Calligraphers for Hire
Calligraphers are listed alphabetically by last name. All individuals are located in the San Antonio area unless otherwise noted.

Deborah Bowen
Styles: Copperplate, Spencerian, and Blackletter
Job types: envelope addressing, wedding invitations, monograms in watercolor and other professional lettering. Watercolor bluebonnet & roses available for envelopes & invitations. Watercolor Classes.

Maggie Gillikin
Styles: Contact for more information
Job types: Professional lettering and beautiful presentation. Also teaches. Does not do envelopes.

Holley Ras
Styles: Copperplate, Modern Script, Blackletter and Imperial Script
Job types: Envelope Addressing, Wedding and Special Event Invitations, Engraving and Bottle Painting Services for both Corporate and Private Clients.

Leslie Winakur
Styles: Contact for more information
Job types: Professional lettering and beautiful presentations. Also teaches. Does not do envelopes.
Any members who wish to be listed, please email the president with relevant information.